
How Do We Keep the Faith?

How Do We Keep the Faith?

Bringing a virtual meeting with a new client to a close I asked, are there any remaining questions? A member of the team, silent and mainly looking down until then, slowly raised his head and said softly, “What I want to know is, how do we keep the faith?”

Mindfulness plays a key role in helping us keep the faith that our families, our jobs, our companies, our planet will be alright? Using these 3 practices we can stay strong, flexible, buoyant and productive and help each other do the same.

7 Reasons to Work on Trust

7 Reasons to Work on Trust

What if I told you that 64 percent of employees trust robots more than they do their managers? That half of employees have turned to a robot for advice rather than their manager.

Artificial intelligence is augmenting the workplace in many ways, but these findings indicate that managers have work to do in order to earn the trust of their people. Trust is a critical link to all good relationships, both professional and personal. Here are 7 good reasons to work on trust.