
How Do We Keep the Faith?

How Do We Keep the Faith?

Bringing a virtual meeting with a new client to a close I asked, are there any remaining questions? A member of the team, silent and mainly looking down until then, slowly raised his head and said softly, “What I want to know is, how do we keep the faith?”

Mindfulness plays a key role in helping us keep the faith that our families, our jobs, our companies, our planet will be alright? Using these 3 practices we can stay strong, flexible, buoyant and productive and help each other do the same.

The Role of a Growth Mindset in Personal Power and Influence

The Role of a Growth Mindset in Personal Power and Influence

Our mind is a powerful thing. A positive mindset frees us to be bold, take risks and trust ourselves with the confidence that we’ll figure it out. Does your mindset limit you or set you free to grow?

What Happens When We are Wise? Wise Results.

What Happens When We are Wise? Wise Results.

What happens when we activate our wisdom? Good things happen.

When my daughter, Moreia, was a senior in college, she emailed me this story. It speaks directly to the gifts of wisdom.

How to Move your Business into High Momentum

How to Move your Business into High Momentum

Growing a business seems relentless, asking constant dedication. Too many business owners give up just when they are ready to take off. Why? Because they lack a framework for where they are and what’s next.

This business coaching exercise is often part of the work I do with small business owners and it gets results every time.

Every Woman has Something Wise to Say

Every Woman has Something Wise to Say

Over the years, hundreds of women were my teachers.  They taught me that every wisewoman has something she wants to say. She’s got a voice because she cares. When she listens to the wisdom of her heart, something really matters to her whether in the backyard with the kids, in a company as part of the senior management team, or holding political office – she is ready to speak up.

Upcoming Radio Show – Next Octave Leadership: Discover the Gifts and Natural Authority of Feminine Power

Upcoming Radio Interview on The AWE Factor – Advancing Women Everywhere: Leading the New Economy

April 24, 2012, 7:00am PT/10:00am ET     Hosted by Carole Sacino

In this interview I share some just developed insights that really make a difference.

Like many of us, you may sense that the world is changing and that you, your team or organization has a bigger role to play.

A woman leader who becomes a Next Octave Leader values and utilizes the gifts and natural authority of feminine wisdom and power. With increased self-assurance she leverages her unique strengths and talents to be powerfully effective.

In this show I’ll share the top 7 ways a woman’s vision and values are critical in business. Through stories of women around the world, you will learn 4 steps to stabilize your WiseCore in any situation and succeed throughout the uncertainties of change.

What holds women back? Research shows doubt, lack of confidence. How do we get past these internal glass ceilings?

I’ll tell you about other women who incorporate feminine wisdom, even in tough work environments, to develop a leadership, organization and life full of courage, focus, and confidence.

