authentic communications

The Girl Who Silenced the World

The Girl Who Silenced the World

Tears filled my eyes as I listened again to the girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes speak to the UN. Her name is Severn Cullis-Suzuki, and her speech was given at a U.N. assembly in Brazil when she was twelve years old.

That was in 1992. Sadly, her words are as relevant today as they were then.

3 Steps to Communicate Your Wisdom - even in a tough work environment

3 Steps to Communicate Your Wisdom - even in a tough work environment

When female wisdom remains untapped, women, men, families and organizations suffer. As leaders we are then unable to translate our best ideas into action. We contribute our competency, but not our authentic contribution.  I call this the competency trap.

There are 3 steps to take to begin the change.

Penetrating the Wall of My Hesitation

Penetrating the Wall of My Hesitation

Wisdom is a journey, a time where I discover the capacity to journey past the wall of my hesitations, fears, and doubt.