women's empowerment

The Courage of the Heart - A Women's Wisdom Leadership Program October 4-8, 2021

The Courage of the Heart - A Women's Wisdom Leadership Program October 4-8, 2021

Over the years the women attending our programs have been steady support for one another - a source of great heart and courage. Our next program starts October 4. Take the step. Join us for an empowering week to take your leadership to the next level of expertise and effectiveness.

Courage of the Heart: A Women's Wisdom Retreat

Courage of the Heart: A Women's Wisdom Retreat

Do you want to be more courageous, but not from forced aggression or relentless tenacity? When we kindle the courage of our hearts we are naturally propelled into positive and sustainable actions.

Join me, along with Dianne Morrison (Effective Action Consulting) and Suki Munsell, Ph.D. (body transformation expert, Dynamic Vitality) in our upcoming program.

Next Octave Leadership: Discover the Gifts and Natural Authority of Feminine Power

Like many of us, you may sense that the world is changing and that you, your team or organization has a bigger role to play. A Next Octave Leader values and utilizes the gifts and natural authority of her feminine wisdom and power; with increased self-assurance she leverages her unique strengths and talents to be powerfully effective.

In a recent radio show hosted by Carole Sacino I explore the top 7 ways a woman’s vision and values are critical in business. Through stories of women around the world, we discussed the 4 steps that you can use to stabilize your WiseCore in any situation so that you can succeed through the uncertainties of change.

Carole and I explore what holds women back and how research points to 3 key factors: self-doubt, dismissal, and shrinking. They add up to a persistent lack of confidence. Do you experience this? Many women I speak with every day do.

Click here to listen to  my interview with Carole Sacino on VoiceAmerica Variety Channel for an engaging exchange and stories about professional presence, feminine wisdom, and authentic leadership with results.

All of us who are striving to lead from wisdom can benefit from regular doses of inspiration which is one of the reasons why I have developed the Next Octave Women’s Leadership Webinar  which shows women leaders, entrepreneurs and managers how to develop a more authentic and effective leadership style. You will learn how to use the 4 steps that stabilize your Wise Core and step you into your personal power.

