
What I Learned from my Turning Point

What I Learned from my Turning Point

For some reason, this particular day, this moment, this choice felt like a Turning Point—one of those forks in the road.

It’s hard to admit, but every now and then I slide into an outdated, yet familiar, groove of insufficiency: “Nothing is enough. I’m not enough.” I lose confidence, feel inept. It’s not much fun…but I don’t stay there long. Usually I slide back into a groove of confident enthusiasm and focused intention pretty quickly.

The Invasive Power of Complaining and What to Do About It

The Invasive Power of Complaining and What to Do About It

While listening to colleagues at a recent business conference, I was actually holding a robust internal conversation of fault-finding and grumbling. I certainly wasn’t getting the results I wanted.

After this experience, I wanted to understand why complaining thoughts possess us, what they cost us, why they are useful and how to shift cycles of complaints into powerful and exciting commitments.